Week # 7 Embrace The Challenge

This week has turned out be quite the challenge with the 7 day mental diet, and no opinions  no negativity allowed

So I have embraced the challenge, the mind that never sleeps is being resistant, so I am being persistent, it is game on….

With love in my heart, I am working the 7 laws of the mind, the law of forgiveness, says I must forgive everyone and anyone, I can have no anger or resentment, well in a life time those resentments build up, and get encased in a 50+ year thick wall of cement, so I broke out the jack hammer and went to work, subby didn’t like that. Last week tweaked my back, subby thought he had me, but I learned a new technique and straightened it out without going to the chiropractor.  haha

Movie poster, symbols everywhere, reading out loud with emotion, even chanting ‘I can be what I will to be’ and ‘do it now’ all this is having a massive effect and I’m getting to know my new friend… surf-the-mirroe-make-new-friends-3148-1299599211-46

I love you all, and to all a good night..