Week # 7 Embrace The Challenge

This week has turned out be quite the challenge with the 7 day mental diet, and no opinions  no negativity allowed

So I have embraced the challenge, the mind that never sleeps is being resistant, so I am being persistent, it is game on….

With love in my heart, I am working the 7 laws of the mind, the law of forgiveness, says I must forgive everyone and anyone, I can have no anger or resentment, well in a life time those resentments build up, and get encased in a 50+ year thick wall of cement, so I broke out the jack hammer and went to work, subby didn’t like that. Last week tweaked my back, subby thought he had me, but I learned a new technique and straightened it out without going to the chiropractor.  haha

Movie poster, symbols everywhere, reading out loud with emotion, even chanting ‘I can be what I will to be’ and ‘do it now’ all this is having a massive effect and I’m getting to know my new friend… surf-the-mirroe-make-new-friends-3148-1299599211-46

I love you all, and to all a good night..

16 thoughts on “Week # 7 Embrace The Challenge

  1. Thank you dear for sharing your emotions and experiences! It is always interesting to follow different people and see the development and how it goes in the same direction but in different ways:-)
    Have fun and grow through your journey!
    Love to you!

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  2. Isn’t it amazing, how step by step, we are getting rid of all anger, resentment and only think, act and receive with love. Really liked the picture. I keep thinking of that song from decades ago, ‘We’ll meet again’…
    Looking forward to reading more about your journey!

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  3. Marty, My cement budda is 66 years old so, like you, I have to be persistent day in and day out to feed my subby a healthy diet. And like for you, my subby is ornery and kicks back with small physical inconveniences. But with the strength of our MKMMA we will prevail!! Rock on! or should I say, Rock OFF!

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  4. Marty, isn’t it fun to know you’re not the only “senior citizen” that’s determined to find the gold under all that cement! I think my subby sneaks in new cement when I’m not looking to fix the cracks — one step forward and ooops…start again! Sure enjoy being with you on this journey to our best selves! Blessings!

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