So, the  journey of self discovery continues and is it awesome, first of all the old subby is still causing problems, so i would suggest to anyone considering taking the Master Key Master Mind Alliance course, do it now !!!! and if you are a younger person the sooner the better, as it will greatly improve the rest of your life

the master key

The Master Key is The Master Key….. Act Now..

week 25 – the Journey continues

adventureLiving by the compass and not the clock, its all about the direction and not the time, after 24 weeks of learning new habits and becoming self directed the Hero’s journey continues , grateful for all I have, the encounters of everyday life, the people I meet and being of service.

Now I am reading a chapter a day in the Master Key System, and a very interesting thing happened to me the other day  on my smart phone, I got a notification from a chapter a day, and I said to myself whats that ? Well it’s from Kindle, yeah,  and I just so happen to have the Master Key System on my Kindle for android, imagine that… How very convenient..

Now it is taking the Franklin Makeover and applying it to Wooden’s  pyramid of success..2010-pyramidofsuccessx800This should keep me busy being the observer, and not voicing any opinions  ….Also continuing with (The Seven Day Mental Diet) of not entertaining any negative thoughts. Wishing everyone a great week.

Week 24 – The Final Lesson or the Beginning

This lesson may be the last but it is really the beginning, I have learned so much in the last 26 weeks in the Master Key Master Mind Alliance, the friends I’ve met and Master Minded with is beyond words, it is truly a program of discovery, it is work, and being true to yourself, I strongly encourage anyone who wants to grow to take this course and keep your promises, and read the guy or the gal in the mirror everyday, always remembering the 7 laws, give no opinions, and no negativity allowed…. There is gold under that cement, and the Truth will set you free… Here is the sign I got from Grant Cardone

no negativity

This is in my living room, you can imagine the conversations …

Temples have their sacred images, and we see what influence they have always had over a great part of mankind; but in truth, the ideas and images in men’s minds are the invisible powers that constantly govern them; and to these they all pay universally a ready submission.     * Jonathan Edwards

May the Force be with you

Week 23 – Anxiety

Emperor_Traianus_Decius_(Mary_Harrsch) The thought of the upcoming end of this session of the Master Key Master Mind Alliance has caused some minor anxiety, but I have learned to be self-reliant, the habits that have been developed and are continuing to be developed have already caused a positive change in my life and thinking, the future is an exciting place , thanks to Mark, Davene,Trish, Dayna  and the whole team and, my Master Mind partners . This week is a continuation of scroll VI – Emotions and also the money consciousness.. Keeping my mind open and constantly reaching out for the new, and always grateful, I wish I could express how much the course has opened up new vistas for me, as Joseph Campbell said ‘ We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned So as to havethe life that is waiting for us’. The work continues



Blessings and salutations, my sisters and brothers, ah, week 22, how the time fly’s, listening to and reading Wallace Wattles classic this week and how it and the Master Key System fit together, and then the ‘sit’. Well I could not take off for 2 days or even 1 day for that matter to be silent, I must wait until after April 15th, I’m sure many of you know what that deadline is, so as I learned in scroll 4 I will leave the problems of the market place in the market place..

Although money isn’t everything, it ranks right up there next to oxygen. – Zig Ziglar

Doing things a certain way is a theme often heard and it certainly applies to getting rich, these last weeks of the MKMMA is bringing it all together, the reads, sits, the flash cards, 3 gratitude’s a day, the affirmations all coming together, wow!!! Give more get more.. I’m excited…

Week 22 – Of Priceless Value

As we entered into the new month, the month of March and our 22 week in the Master Key Master Mind Alliance, we began a new scroll in ‘The Greatest Salesman’. This scroll is about mastering our emotions, a subject we had been exploring for the past couple of weeks, also in week 21, Haanel instructs us to concentrate on Truth, followed this past week, on applying knowledge,. This has been an amazing progression, not only an eye opener for me but has challenged me to become a master of my emotions, to be the observer, more insightful, to apply this knowledge and to also apply it in Silence. ‘The Sit’ has has taken on a new perspective. I have a much deeper understanding of ‘The Law of Relaxation’.

I also learned that by applying knowledge that I can be what is wish to be, That by using the power within, and its influence over my body I can achieve the desired affects that I wish,knowledge is of priceless value …

Week 21 – Becoming Free

This week has been about becoming free, about the consciousness of power. and emotions triggering action , anger, hurt feelings, hate, unworthiness expanding our comfort zone. Well my comfort zone is going to have to do a lot of expanding right now as its Friday night my my heater will not come on, and we are looking at 4 days of bad weather coming on, yeah anger, but I am not going to stop, I greeted this day with love in heart and that’s how I will end it, I am persistent, and I believe in miracles, I am a miracle, in fact natures greatest miracle, and I’ve lived this day as if it could be my last, and when I rise tomorrow I will fall on my knees and give thanks and continue on The Hero’s Journey.

I really liked Haanel this week, and shared the Master Key System with one of my clients this week, as it turned out he is also a fan of Joseph Campbell, could it be the Law of Attraction that brought us together, I believe in miracles, and the Universal Mind, we spoke of the ‘Force’ and may it be with you …


Week 20 – On the Road Again

on the roadI am grateful to be back on line to make this post, the emotions of fear and anger kicked in last night as suddenly I was unable to log in and received a message that a remote firewall was blocking my access, and that I would need to reconfigure port 80 to have access, I feared my computer had been hacked and I thought port 80 was in Long Beach, what did that have to do with my computer, maybe it was the NSA, now that could get a person mad.. So I decided that the best choice for me was to ‘sit’ and the answer would come, and after about 20 minutes the answer did come, it arrived in silence, a voice from the ether said “call technical support”. (I did and a lady from India named Debbie was able to access my computer and remotely repair the problem ..I still don’t know where the TCP port 80 is located)  Of all the mysteries.. So here I am, in this week I or should I say we were exposed to a lot of stuff, again Mark J reached out to us with the ‘fox and the hedgehog’ which worked to reel in my ‘monkey mind’ and Haanel enlightens us with the ‘keys to the kingdom’ and confirms  that ‘kingdom of heaven’ is within us

Then I read the statement that ‘ In him we live and move and have our being’ a very powerful statement some would attribute to Paul in Acts of the Apostles, but i believe actually goes back to about 600 bc , they had Master Minds back then to..imagine that, so now for the Silence so that I, like Elijah can hear his voice …

Stay tuned for the adventures of week 21

Week 19 – The Search For Truth


This weeks lesson is about truth, it has eluded man for many years, so what then is ‘truth’ ? Jesus testified to it.

It has been stated that our laws or truth, not our man made laws but the laws of nature, It is amazing that for over 2000 years we are still having  trouble understanding.. Lesson 19 provides us guidance. and builds on the previous lessons, 19:2. In seeking the truth we are seeking ultimate cause; we know that every human experience is an effect; then if we may ascertain the cause, and if we shall find that this cause is one which we can consciously control, the effect or the experience will be in our control also. That is very, very powerful, we can control our fate and our fortune, lets get to work john 8-32